
Retreats are a time to step into the stillness of the Sacred in an intentional way. Retreats offer the opportunity to pause, to experience the Sacred in a deepening way, to listen to the Silence, and to note where the Divine/the Holy One/God/Spirit is asking us to move/change/open up in our lives. It is also a time to rejuvenate our own spirit and to note where we are in sync, and out of sync, with the Spirit. Retreats can be for a day or longer, depending on your own timing and availability.

Retreats can be silent with guidance for entering into and coming out of the silence. They can have more presentation time on silence, stillness, or on a theme of your choice. Regardless of the type of retreat, ample space is given for individual contemplation, stillness, and prayer/meditation to give the Spirit room to move within us and around us.

As part of any retreat Rick offers the opportunity for individual spiritual direction.


Rick has facilitated many events for groups over the years, from Visioning to Team Building to Progressive Christianity to Spiritual Formation to Healing. Each event has been unique and at the request of the group. A recent event was facilitating the DVD series Painting the Stars for Meewasin Valley United Church in Saskatoon.


“Thanks to Rick who facilitates in a gentle yet thorough way!”

Rev. Lorraine Harkness, April 2015